How To Dress Professionally

New year, new you! There's nothing like a new year to motivate everyone into being better versions of themselves. While resolutions are not always easy to keep or follow, there's no shame in trying to better yourself at any time, whether it be the start of the new year or halfway through the year. This post is the first in Red Raider Runway's Business Series that will run all month long. The goal of this series is to give tips on how to dress for the job you want! Learn how to make your work attire reflect your work ethic!

When it comes to business attire, there are various different degrees of professionalism involved, from formal to business casual. However, you should always dress to impress for interviews, as that is the first impression an employer gets. It's best to be "overly" dressed than it is to be too casual, even if the job itself is casual. That's why some of the tips in this post will be the "strictest" of the rules when it comes to business wear.

Step One: Blazers or Cardigans

Blazers are the pinnacle of professionalism. Nothing polishes your look quite like a blazer. However, if you don't have a blazer, a cardigan works just as well. This keeps your outfit looking modest yet stylish. These can be paired with any nice blouse to elevate your look. It can make an ordinary blouse look much cleaner and professional, especially if a blouse happens to be sleeveless. 

Step Two: Collars and Sleeve Lengths

There are certain protocols to follow when it comes to blouses. If you want to wear a blouse that has no collar, a blazer or cardigan should generally be worn with it. However shirts with collars can be worn without a blazer or cardigan, but it all comes down to sleeve length. If your collared shirt has sleeves that are three/fourths length or long sleeved, it is perfectly fine to wear without a cardigan or blazer. However, if your collared shirt is short sleeved, an additional cardigan or blazer should be worn to keep from looking too casual.

Step Three: Skirts & Pants

This next tip should be obvious, so let's keep it short and simple. Skirts or dresses should not be too short, and slacks should be worn, no jeans! As an extra step, pantyhose could be worn with skirts and dresses, though try to avoid prints and lace designs as it cheapens the sleekness of the look.

Step Four: Shoes

The last item to complete the look of a business professional is shoes. Heels and flats should always be closed-toed at all times. Despite the modesty of some shoes, closed-toed shoes just look crisper and classier. Plus, you don't have to worry about unpainted toenails or any other setbacks. It should go without saying that sandals are not professional attire. 

 Now that you've gotten some tips on how to look the part, you're ready to go out there and rock those interviews! After all, it's best to fake it until you make it.

Stay tuned for more posts in the #BusinessSeries all month long! Follow @RedRaiderRunway on Twitter where business inspired outfits will be retweeted for inspiration!

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