Spotted Trend: Liquid Glitter Phone Cases

I'm a sucker for phone cases, and a firm believer that you can never have enough. I always have a few options of cases I can switch out in case one looks better for a particular outfit or event. After all, we carry our phones with us literally everywhere we go, so why not make sure it looks just as good as we do?
My friend Lett Hernandez recently said how you take care of your phone is a reflection of who you are - and I have to say I completely agree. If your phone has lots of cracks in it or is constantly dying because you don't charge it fully, what does that say about how you take care of yourself? Phones are no longer an "option" in our lives and schedules, but a vital necessity, it should be treated with such importance. However, that doesn't mean we can't style it up while we're at it.
Over the past few months, I started noticing a particular phone case trend amongst friends, acquaintances, and even passersby. It was the liquid glitter phone case.

I saw various different types of girls owning this type of phone case: business women, sorority girls, athletes, etc. so I knew this trend did not just appeal to one particular type of woman.

Common popular phone cases usually have some sort of glitter or sparkle. Others are clear and minimalistic to keep the aesthetic of the iPhone itself. This liquid phone case can combine both of those popular trends into one phone case together. When asked why she felt compelled to buy a case like this, Jackie Castanon said, "It's pink and it's glitter." As a very social person, she also said the phone case was a great conversation starter at checkout lines and constantly received compliments for the case.

However, the main appeal for this type of phone case is its similarity to a snow globe; when shaken, glitter gently floats down slowly. This makes the case not just visually appealing but also interactive. Alyssa Riojas said, "The sparkles attracted me towards the case, as well as the soothing effect it has when you sway the case back and forth."

Of course, some obvious risks with this type of case involves the liquid in them. If the phone is dropped and the case cracks, the liquid can seep out onto the phone and ruin it. "Some say the liquid in the case can have acid affects on skin which is dangerous, but it's probably a rumor," said Riojas. That is where responsibility of your phone comes in again. I don't drop my phone a lot so I knew this would not be a major problem or risk I would face often. 

Many brands from Forever 21 to Kate Spade offer this type of case, so the prices can range from $8 to $50 depending on where you get it from. However, a certain brand type does not change the quality or aesthetic of the overall case design which means you can opt for a cheaper version and still receive the same type of compliments! Like most phone cases, these cases can also have designs on them, like quotes or art. Riojas said aside from the sparkles, the quote on her case also caught her attention. These designs can set your phone apart from others who have similar ones to maintain your individual personality!

It should be noted that the extra space required for the liquid does make the case a lot thicker. Some people don't like that because they like the sleekness of the iPhone, especially the naked iPhone (sexy yet risky!) However, the thickness of the phone case is actually my personal favorite aspect of the liquid phone case. It adds extra surface area to grip and hold the phone, which is beneficial to preventing slips or falls.

Since I began noticing this trend of phone cases, the number of cases I have spotted around town have only increased, which means the style has gained more popularity! As an avid phone case lover and collector, I am curious to see which trend will catch on next!

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