May Favorites

As I mentioned in my planner post, I usually like to reflect over my obsessions during the month as it comes to an end. I like to try new things often so some months I use things more than others. It doesn't mean I stop using them after the month is over, but simply that it was something new I tried during this month and particularly liked it. Here are my favorites for the month of May!

MAC Studio Fix Fluid Foundation - $28
I really hate switching up foundations because of the uncertainty of it all. What if it makes me break out? What if it looks really cakey? What if I wasted all my money on this for no reason? But the bottom line was, as much as I love my current foundation (Maybelline's Fit Me Foundation), I wanted something with a little more coverage that wasn't too heavy. Sometimes I have days where I break out and want more coverage, or I know it'll be a long, busy day and I want something that wouldn't wear off by the end of the day. So I asked around and this foundation was suggested to me for long lasting good coverage.
So I took a risk and bought it, and I love it so much! It feels a little thicker than most foundations I've used in the past, so it leaves a bit of residue on things like the rim of my glasses or my phone screen if I'm taking a call. But for the most part it's not terribly inconvenient, and when set with a powder afterward, it looks even better! The coverage more than makes up for it. I wear this foundation when I want to look good and know I'm going to be photographed because it covers so well. 

MAC Prep + Prime BB Cream - $31
And then sometimes I have those days when I really don't want a lot of coverage at all! Sometimes I have really good days when my skin looks great so I don't need heavy coverage. Or sometimes my day will be short - only one class, or only an errand or two to run, so I don't care so much about being 100% covered for a long period of time. This BB cream is light and covers well enough for exactly when I need it and I like knowing it does its job with minimal effort. It's great. I wish it didn't smell so strongly like sunscreen, but the SPF in all these MAC products isn't a bad thing.

Boxed Water - $1.49
Look, I'm just going to go ahead and say it - I'm all about the aesthetic. I originally bought boxed water because it looked so freaking cool. Yeah, I'm one of those people, I'll admit it. But if I'm getting purified water to drink (I'm trying to stay more hydrated this year) regardless of what it comes in, does it really matter? The company claims boxed water is better because the packaging is made from recyclable material and ships better, etc. whereas bottled water made from plastic usually ends up in the ocean. If I can reduce my carbon footprint while drinking good, clean water in a cute package, why not? Ain't no shame.

Not Your Mother's Beach Babe Soft Waves Sea Salt Spray - $7
I recently cut my hair really short (like, really short) which is the shortest I've had it in about...eight years. Needless to say, it was a huge change for me. I thought it was short after having dyed and cut it last summer, but this was a huge change for me. (It's not the shortest I've ever had it though!) So because I got a new hairstyle, I needed to find ways to style it. I decided to pick up this NYM's sea salt spray to give myself some natural curls. I love this product because it gives me so much volume! It adds texture and a buttload of volume so I can style my hair without heat which is perfect for the summer coming up. It also smells very sweet, like vanilla. Except it makes my hair pretty greasy the next day, since it's a product and all, so I would advise to use this on second-day hair instead of freshly washed hair so you don't have to wash it immediately afterward. Not Your Mother's also has a texturizing beach babe sea salt spray so I really want to try it out to see what the differences are between the two products!! 

Seacret Salt & Oil Scrub - $50-$100
Speaking of sea salt, this salt and oil scrub is amazing. The stuff retails for $100 (but the website sells it for $50) but my roommate and I got it for $25 each! Who knew you could hustle kiosk workers? We were just trying to politely decline the man's salespitch and he ended up lowering the price for us and throwing in free stuff so in the end we gave in. We're still not sure who ended up getting swindled overall, but the bottom line is - this product works great! It's made from pure sea salt from the Dead Sea and it's hypoallergenic so it should be fine for all skin types.
It's a really great exfoliant as a salt scrub generally would be, but the best part is the oil afterward which leaves your skin feeling INCREDIBLY soft and moisturized! It's seriously amazing how soft your skin feels after this. So I especially like to use this scrub on rougher areas such as elbows (something I'm really self conscious about!), knees,  callused hands, or any other body part you think needs exfoliating and natural moisturizing!

Netflix - $8-$12/month
Honestly, we are so lucky to have a service like Netflix. I know we all binge watch Netflix, but May was the month in which I consumed the most television (procrastinating from studying for finals oops) and I just have to talk about all the amazing shows Netflix has provided us with. Catching up on old seasons of beloved shows is fun, but Netflix has been killing it with their original series!! I am an aspiring television script writer, so I love talking tv and analyzing shows. I can talk about shows for days (ask me what I think about a certain show and I'll give you a dissertation on it!), but I'm going to try and keep it brief. These are shows you should be watching ASAP:
Master of None (season 2) - The most beautiful piece of television my eyes have ever seen. So simply authentic and beautiful in both script and cinematography. I feel this show deep in my soul. Great script, filming, casting, storyline, everything. Amazing amazing amazing.
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt - This show is so unexpectedly funny, I feel like people are sleeping on it! It's just the right amount of quirky and cute. I feel like it's the perfect light, fun show everyone needs to contrast all the bleakness of the real world. Add some positivity to your life by watching this show!
Grace & Frankie  - The cutest show on the planet, so wholesome, witty, and hilarious!! You will not regret watching this, I promise.
Girlboss - I love how real and honest this show feels. I can watch it and say "I know someone exactly like her" and who wouldn't want to know badass women who go after what they want? Also the soundtrack is bomb!
The Get Down - REST IN PEACE. Netflix just cancelled this gem of a show after just one season but WOW it was amazing!! It had an all POC cast, amazing original songs, and dealt with real historical issues of classism and race and how that affected disco and rap music. I'm so sad this show didn't get the recognition it deserved but don't miss out on watching it now!! (Maybe we can bring it back!!)

Cooking Fever - Free
Last but not least is this mobile phone game, Cooking Fever. I'm a sucker for phone games and every summer my game playing spikes up because I have all this free time again without classes. I usually don't like to give in to advertisements or sponsors (Youtubers promote this game like crazy) but's pretty fun. I'm addicted to playing it and getting a perfect score on each level. I like this game a lot because it's not one of those real life games where you have to wait in real-time for energy to reload or any of that nonsense! Just frantic fun. Except I ran out of gems and I refuse to use real money to buy any so just be careful how you spend your gems since I was spending mine a little too freely without calculating how you can earn more. 

Do you also play games on your phone? Recommend some to me!! I'm always looking for new games to play in the summer! 

So these were my monthly favorites for the month of May. It felt like such a long month. The first half of it was stressful and full of events and finals for me, whereas the second half feels like a different time entirely with endless free time to play games and watch Netflix. Be on the lookout for more monthly posts like this every month!

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